Presently we need good help and really don’t have the time to visit with others for just the sake of visiting. If you agree with our mission of sustainable living and farming, want to live in this part of the world, are open to living with others always a little different, and are able to do so in the very near future, please consider visiting us. Right now this is our home, so plan on using the same standards that you would use while visiting a relative or a friend. Treat the people and the property with respect. Also with just a few people here, we’re very busy and have all kinds of stuff going on. So please understand that we can’t spend every moment with you during your visit. We’ll do our best to coordinate your time here and try to start off with clear instructions of what’s to happen while here. True, right now we’re not looking to form a large community but are just hoping to form a partnership with 1 or 2 families. Still, we feel the guidelines of a successful community apply. The below guidelines for visiting and membership are adapted from the rules of successful intentional communities.
Some of the tasks you may be expected to participate in are:
- Pitch in with everyday chores such as
- Gardening
- Farm Work
- Equipment Repair and Maintenance
- Construction Projects
- Cleaning, Dishes
- Recycling
If you are unsure about what needs to be done, ask someone where you can help.
To help all members of the community, you will find a questionnaire that we require all our visitors (except day/open house visitors) and potential members to fill out.
Visiting Policies and Guidelines
Our policy is that you first fill out the questionnaire and send us a Letter of Intent. This is basically a letter telling us who you are, what you’re about, and why you think that ECOFARM is the place for you. We’ll review what you have sent us and send you a reply.
Upon approval, you can visit for up to two weeks. All visitors are required to work on the farm in exchange for room and board during their stay. At the end of the visitation, we’ll have a final meeting to decide what’s next. If we decide to continue our relationship we’ll write an agreement to go forward that would be agreeable to all of us.
We are a farm and during your visit you should be ready and willing to participate full-time during your stay. Tasks here will vary, depending on what needs to be done. Please understand that we are busy and have a lot of different obligations.
We ask that visitors do not smoke cigarettes inside or in any area not designated for smoking during their stay. We also ask that visitors do not bring pets or have guests (without prior approval) during their stay with us.
Visitors should come with proper attire to work on a farm. This would include long pants, sturdy work shoes or boots with socks and a hat for sun protection. Tools, gloves, etc., will be provided. Linens, towels, soap, etc. is also provided; but you may want to bring your own pillow and other more personal items.
Children must be supervised at all times, for their own safety, and courtesy to others. As this is a real, working farm, dangerous equipment, animals, plants, and situations abound. Visitors should not use ‘machinery’ (including kitchen gadgets and washing machine) without proper operating instructions from a member. We want your visit to be as safe and enjoyable as possible.
ECOFARM Rules and Membership Requirements
1. Members should be debt free or have some other means of repaying their debts, as ECOFARM cannot assume responsibility for said debts.
2. Members are required to devote most of their time and energy to the community. There are no provisions for members to work fulltime outside of the farm. If a member desires to work on a part-time basis they must first fulfill the requirements stated in #5. Extra income produced on-site (i.e., appropriate cottage industry) is preferable to off-site work. Any exceptions will be decided by the membership at a regular meeting.
3. Members may, or may not, draw a small weekly stipend from ECOFARM. The community provides for members in the way of food, lodging, and the amenities associated with housing.
4. Members do not presently receive health insurance or medical coverage from ECOFARM.
5. Members are required to work on the farm in exchange for said items in #3. Work includes all aspects of the community: farming, cooking, cleaning, bookkeeping, computer work, teaching/childcare, approved charity work, etc. Any exceptions will be decided by the membership at a regular meeting.
6. The membership process is as follows: Prospective members will first send a formal letter of intent and fill out the questionnaire. After the current members review the information the petitioner may be invited to visit for up to two weeks. During the first scheduled meeting following the visit, the current members will discuss and vote on the prospective membership. If accepted into the community, a period of one year is required before the new member becomes a full, voting member.
7. All members (eligible and other) and visitors (if asked), are required to attend all regularly scheduled meetings.
8. Children do not receive voting status until age eighteen, and fulfillment of requirements of #6
9. Members wishing to bring new pets will have to address the community at a regularly scheduled meeting, and all eligible members will vote on the matter.
10. Any eligible member can call a meeting other than regularly scheduled meetings.
11. ECOFARM has a NO WEAPONS policy, except for hunting rifles and these will be keep in a locked cabinet for everyone’s safety.
12. ECOFARM highly discourages tobacco smoking and use of commercial tobacco products. We ask that visitors and members only smoke in designated areas while on the property.
13. Children should be supervised at all times. This is a safety issue that we strongly insist on, especially around machinery, in the kitchen, and during cooking times.
14. Members and visitors shall not engage in problematic alcohol/drug (including prescription drug) use.
If you would like to stay at Ecofarm, please download and fill out this questionnaire
and email it back to us at
Thank you!